Puppet Maker

Puppet Maker

Aya has been commissioned to design and fabricate puppets for a number of productions. Her puppets range from small rod puppets to large outdoor floats, catering to a variety of audiences. She will design and construct the puppets, taking into account the type of audience, dramaturgy, settings, and the specific needs of each performance.

Puppet Making credits include:

  • The Lonesome Death of Eng Bunker (Wattle and Daub with Kakilang)
  • Knuckles (Paramount Pictures)
  • Kwaidan (Rouge28 Theatre)
  • Medusa’s First Kiss (Meta Theatre)
  • Christmas Carol (King’s Head Theatre, Islington)
  • Heaps (Pin the Tale / Nationa Theatre Studio)
  • The Adventures of Jason and Argonauts (Steam Industry, More London)
  • Transitional Tale (FunnyWonders)
  • Urashima Taro (Rouge28 Theatre)
  • Siren of Titans (London Bubble)
  • Burglar Bill (Pandora’s Box)